
Health Care Facilities Public Act

What we know (so far) or think we know:
This “Act” updated the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS/5 seq).  It added a new Section 19.11.  The following is a summary of the new requirements:

"Disruption event" means any:
(1) change to a disinfection technique, practice, or technology, including each instance of any change in the concentration of any disinfectant in the water of a public water supply that results in residual concentrations of the disinfectant in the water either exceeding 50% or falling below 20% of the monthly average concentration of disinfectant reported to the Agency in a public water distribution entity's most recent monthly submission of Daily Operating Reports;
(2) planned or unplanned work on or damage to a water main;
(3) change in a treatment application or source of water that results in an altered finished water quality;
(4) event that results in a public water supply's operating pressure falling below 20 PSI; or
(5) condition that results in the issuance of a boil water order.

What we are unsure about:

The “Act” indicates that the state agencies are supposed to tract this information such that it can be provided back to the legislature upon request. 

Suggested actions starting today:




Illinois Rural Water Association
3305 Kennedy Road; PO Box 49
Taylorville, IL 62568
Phone: 217-287-2115

Fax: 217-824-8638
Email: ilrwa@ilrwa.org

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